In these unpredictable economic times, we can all agree that anything can happen. As waves of layoffs are happening across industries right now, it’s important to keep a strategic mindset and ponder what you would do if Plan A goes haywire.
Yes, let’s talk about Plan B.
It’s not just about layoffs. A Great Money Reset could happen due to a health issue, a divorce, or any other tricky situation that life can throw at you. Therefore, the question is not whether it will happen but when. From spending to saving, career path, and retirement outlook, there are a few factors to consider.
I’ve included some articles curated from the financial headlines this week that can help you prepare for a money reset. Let’s get started on the best next step you can take for yourself now.
What is your Plan B? Prepping for a money reset
4 rules for reframing your retirement mindset
How to Retire Rich—Even if You Just Got Wiped Out
What Recession? Some Economists See Chances of a Growth Rebound.
You Might Live Longer Than You Think. Your Finances Might Not.
Understanding Financial Wellness
Photo by Fabian Blank